Thursday 3 March 2011

Ecological Footprint

Task 1

How many planet earths do you need to support your daily consumption? Questionably my answer is 5.71 earths compared to the global average of 1.5 earths.

With evermore curiosity, education and government initiatives our global impact will inevitably increase due to global population growth. I can understand my position by supposably living beyond my means however I believe this document is only a reference with many unexplained variables, such as it doesn’t consider motorbike transport, how big your garden is, how many trees or square meters of grass in your dwelling and it averages per household energies without taking into account kilowatt per hour usage.

Although that the principles are set, I do believe that my environmental impact is considerably lower as I ride a motorcycle, have a large garden that compensates for carbon and a shared household, empty during the day.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to question any footprint calculator, particularly if you think you;re doing your bit and yet those things dont get factored in... Perhaps no calculator will ever be able to consider all the different activities and lifestyles humankind practices... But I do hope it has raised some consciousness about what activities are relatively more impacting than others
